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原标题:中英双语:元宵节一起来猜灯谜guess riddle

元宵节是一个重要的传统节日,农历正月十五。Lantern Festival is an important traditional occasion, falling on the 15th day of the first month on the lunar calenda.

为庆祝元宵节,标志过年结束 ,元宵/汤圆是家家必备的传统应景食物。On the Lantern Festival, which marks the end of the celdbrations of the Lunar New Year, rice glue balls/glutinous rice balls are a traditional must-have for everybody.

人们通常会在元宵节吃元宵。People usually eat rice glue balls on Lantern festival.

元宵节时,很多人会提灯笼,去参加猜灯谜大会。On the Lantern Festival, many people will carry colorful lanterns and attend the riddle-guessing contests.

在此,小编祝愿朋友们元宵节快乐 !Wished my friends Happy Lantern Festival!


耳朵长长吃蔬菜,蹦蹦跳跳真可爱。ears long,vegetables,bouncing,really cute.(beat an animal)——谜底:兔子 (Rabbit)

身纤长,有红黄,小兔子们最爱它。Body slim, red yellow, bunnies love it. ——谜底:胡萝卜(carrot)

什么东西浑身是洞,却能装水? Riddles:Whats full of holes but still holds water?——谜底: 海绵 (sponge)

什么建筑楼层最多 What building has the most stories?——谜底: 图书馆 (A library)

所有人同时在做的事情是什么? What is it that everybody does at the same time?——谜底:长大(grow older)

什么狗不咬人不吠叫? What is the smallest room in the world?——谜底:热狗(Hot dog)

什么人不能住在房子里?what man cannot live in a house? ——谜底: 雪人(snowman)

什么东西永远不问问题但是却能得到很多答案? What never asks questions but gets a lot of answers?——谜底: 字典 ( dictionary)

你拥有它,你可以阅读它,它有些图片在里面,它是什么?You have it. You read it. Therere some pictures in it?——谜底: 书(book)

兔子打架 Rabbit fights ——谜底:上蹿下跳(jumping up and down.)

兔子不吃窝边草 Rabbits dont eat the grass at the bottom of the nest——谜底:舍近求远(far away )

它有头,但没有脖子,有身体,但不温暖,没有脚,却能旅行。It has a head, but no neck . It has a body, but no warmth. No feet,but can travel?——谜底: 汽车( a car)。

两只耳朵长又尖,短短尾巴翘后边,两只眼睛像玛瑙,一张嘴巴分三片。Two ears are long and pointed,with short tail curling up,two eyes like agate,one mouth is divided into three pieces.——谜底:兔子 (Rabbit)

兔子请老虎 Rabbit asks a tiger( playing an idiom)——谜底:寅吃卯粮(deficit)

兔子差点不见了( The rabbit is almost missing——谜底:免 (Free)