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1. under the weather:身体不适/心情不佳

2. cards on the table: 实话实说

3. my hands are tied: 帮不了你

4. bad blood:过结、积怨

5. blue blood:贵族(血统)

6. hard feelings:怨恨、反感、仇恨

7. amber gambler:抢红灯者

8. sweat bullets:心情焦虑/极度不安

9. fat chance:不太可能/希望渺茫

10. break a leg:加油/祝好运

11. eager beaver:积极而勤奋的人

12. fifth wheel:多余的人

13. third wheel:电灯泡

14. a lemon:假冒伪劣(尤指车辆)

15. like chalk and cheese:大相径庭/截然不同

16. the salt of the earth:勤劳朴实的人

17. carry a torch for:难忘旧情/单相思

18. carry the torch for:继承遗志/奋斗不且

19. face the music:承担后果/面临惩罚

20. when pigs fly:痴心妄想/异想天开

21. cold day in hell:绝无可能

22. a piece of work:难缠/不好对付的人

23. put the pedal to the metal:全速推进

24. put your shoulder to the wheel:竭尽全力/全力以赴

25. head over heels:神魂颠倒/热恋

26. bet the farm:破釜沉舟/孤注一掷°

27. line in the sand:底线/红线

28. plum job:肥差、美差、高薪而轻松

29. bed of roses:环境舒适/优越条件

30. go apeshit:大发雷霆/勃然大怒

31. in a pickle:处境艰难/举步维艰

32. in the toilet:—败涂地/一塌糊涂

33. wet blanket::扫兴之人/扫兴之事

34. amateur hour:不敢恭维/水平欠佳

35. tell me about it :毫无疑问/深表同感

36. ballpark figure:大致数据/推测数据

37. dead heat :棋逢对手/伯仲之间

38. get blood from a stone:缘木求鱼/枉费心机

39. six ways from Sunday:想尽办法/穷尽手段

40. Bobs your uncle:十拿九稳/唾手可得

41. nickel-and-dime:鸡毛蒜皮/斤斤计较

42.go through the roof:价格飞涨/大发雷霆

43. take it on the chin:坦然面对/默默承受

44. sitting duck:坐以待毙/任人宰割

45. top brass:上级领导/高级官员

46. on your mettle:竭尽全力/尽力而为

47. herding cats:枉费心机/徒劳无功

48. on cloud nine:欣喜若狂/喜出望外

49. hit the spot:心满意足/正中下怀

50. let the cat out of the bag:走漏风声

51. get it together:改过自新/振作精神

52. smoking gun:确凿证据/铁证如山

53. fly off the handle:勃然大怒/怒不可遏

54. golden parachute:大笔补偿金/遣散费

55. catchphrase:流行语/口头禅

56. get cracking:迅速行动/刻不容缓

57. rose-tinted glasses:盲目/过度乐观

58.grey eminence:幕后操纵/幕后指使

59. far and away:的的确确/绝对

60. leap in the dark:铤而走险/碰运气

61. bend over backwards:想方设法/费尽心力

62. your reputation precedes you:久仰大名

63. look the part:像模像样/有模有样

64. on last legs:气数已尽/精疲力尽

65. smoke and mirrors:云山雾罩/雾里看花

66. tit for tat:针锋相对/冤冤相报

67. red herring:转移焦点/掩人耳目

68. showboating:哗众取宠/炫技

69. saved by the bell:千钧一发/九死一生

70. keep someone on their toes:保持警惕

71. off the beaten track:不毛之地

72. an uphill task:艰巨任务

73. none other than:居然/竟然

74. broken record:唠叨/碎碎念

75. drive home the point:明确表示

76. to face down:临危不惧/沉着应战

77. put stamp on something:影响深刻

78. jump through hoops:绞尽脑汁/费尽心力

79. to go rogue:为所欲为/肆意妄为

80. nutty as a fruitcake:疯疯癫癫/怪里怪气

81. take it all in:充分了解/尽情欣赏

82. million-dollar question:关键/棘手问题

83. kiss someones ring:阿谀奉承/溜须拍马

84. chase the bottom line:将本求利

85. chase losses:赌徒企图翻本

86. grapple with:面对困境/处境艰难

87. bread and water:粗茶淡饭/维持温饱

88. bread and butter:谋生手段/生计/民生

89. take the heat off:缓解压力/舒缓情绪

90. come up trumps:出乎意料/大获全胜

91. take a toll on:严重损害/严重破坏

92. put ones mind to:集中精力/认真对待

93. be set in ones ways:思想僵化/一成不变

94. keep a tab on someone:密切注意/跟踪

95. come to terms with:面对现实/接受现实

96. a tall order:谈何容易/绝非易事

97. brush it under the carpet:搁置问题

98. take it with a pinch of salt:不可全信

99. ride out the storm:全身而退/逃出生天

100. from hero to zero:信誉扫地/身败名裂

101. in the thick of it:疲于奔命/应接不暇

102. stop at nothing: 不顾一切/不择手段

103. tick all the boxes: 满足一切条件

104. stink to high heaven: 卑鄙无耻

105. to stand tall: 自信满满/踌躇满志

106. New York munite:非常短的时间

107.carry coals to Newcastle: 多此一举

108.French leave: 不辞而别

109.pardon my French: 我要说脏话了

110.go Dutch: AA

111.greek gift: 黄鼠狼给鸡拜年

112.a fat cat: 阔佬;富翁

113.as mad as a March hare: 极度疯狂

114. a snake in the grass: 伪装成朋友的阴险小人

115.be in the doghouse: 使某人生气

116.until the cows come home: 很长时间

117.have a cow: 勃然大怒

118.a big cheese: 大人物

119.as different as chalk and cheese: 截然不同

120.a smart cookie: 机灵的人

121.a tough cookie: 很有主见的人

122. as cool as a cucumber: 泰然自若

123.salad days:能力的全盛时期

124.dead meat:处境艰难

125.eat humble pie:低头谢罪

http://126.inthe red: 负债

127.blue stocking: 才女,女学者

128.dead president:<俗语>美钞

129.pull ones leg: 开玩笑

130.handwriting onthe wall: 不祥之兆

131.busybody: 爱管闲事的人

132.horse sense: 常识

133.talk turkey: 打开天窗说亮话

134.cash cow: 摇钱树

135.lucky dog: 幸运儿

136.old dog: 老手

137.top dog: 领导

138.Hong Kong dog: 拉肚子

139.doggy bag: 打包袋

140.do the dishes:洗碗

141.dog days: 大热天

142.sweet water: 淡水

143.kiss my ass: 去死吧

144.mad doctor: 精神科医生

145.loose cannon: 无法控制的危险人士

146.washed up: 告吹

147.break a leg: 加油

148.hit it: 开场

149. goody-goody: 马屁精

150. brown noser: 马屁精

151. through the roof: 数量太大,冲破天际

152. aha moment:恍然大悟/突然醒悟

153. cry me a river:少来这套/别装了

154. criminal lawyer: 刑事律师

155. movers and shakers: 有权有势的人

156. riot police: 防暴警察

157. all walks of life: 各行各业

158. on the Greek calends: 遥遥无期

159. the salt of the earth :高尚的人;社会中坚

160.familiar talk: 庸俗之谈

161.a cold fish:冷酷无情的人
